by Luis Gutierrez | Jul 20, 2019 | Games
Early today (July 20, 2019) overwatch shared to what we thought was a developers update. Jeff Kaplan the game developer is explaining what should be a new update. But midway through his sentence he gets sucked into some black hole, with a bunch of math equations. If...
by Luis Gutierrez | Jul 20, 2019 | Games
If you’re an active Fortnite Player you may of noticed all the warnings with a giant timer going down. As well as a giant mech being built at pressure plant. The game had hinted at a huge fight that would take place today. (July 20th 2019) And sure enough we got a big...
by Luis Gutierrez | Jul 11, 2019 | Games
At Anime Expo 2019 I was lucky enough to be invited to test out a new mobile game. Attack On Titan Tactics coming out early fall 2019 in the US, Canada, and Australia. The game is currently out in Japan right now and has over 1 million downloads so far. The company...
by Jesse Favela | Feb 11, 2019 | Games, Opinion
The Worst Launch In Gaming History Fallout 76 has had the worst launch I’ve ever seen in a video game. Full Stop. I’ve never seen a community turn so fast against a popular game developer, and I’ve never seen the gaming community at large take great interest in such a...
by Jesse Favela | Aug 8, 2018 | Games, Opinion
The Perfect Game #1 The Feat of Strength Purchase. What’s up everybody. My name is Jesse Favalava and this is “The Perfect Game” In this series, I talk about what the perfect game will be like and how it will work, but please understand that these are my opinions and...
by Jesse Favela | Jul 22, 2018 | Games, Products, Reviews, Tech
The Best VR Experiences in Summer 2018 It’s ya boi Jesse Favalava Favela and I’ll be sharing some of my favorite VR games with you. I really believe that my VR library covers most of the game genres I’d choose in a traditional format and I’m...