Rating  Review 
7/10  Good Boy Predator Dogs -Favalava 
7/10  Chekov’s MacGuffins -Codergeek42 
9/10  PVC Tranq Gun -Jared 
10/10  Monsters -Chrisalberti123
7/10  Inferiors Forever Crashing Alien Spaceships -Seichiyami 

Next episode will be Bright

If you want to join the cast or just listen to the live recording of Buffer Buddies go to BufferBuddies.com

Vote for movies on our reddit: /r/UpDownLeftDie

Special thanks to Monk Turner for letting us use his song, Evaporated Eric, for our into.

Produced and hosted by UpDownLeftDie: https://www.updownleftdie.com
Twitter: #BufferBuddides #BBEP89 to tweet your favorite quotes or rate this movie
Instagram: @UpDownLeftDie
Twitch streams every Monday & Thursday at 8:00 PM PT: https://www.twitch.tv/updownleftdie