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This movie was good, with its Nick Cage-John Travolta vs Jonh Travolta-Nick Cage face-offs (Oooooh I just got that!) and very clear use of wires, but we pitched a substantially better movie.
Wouldn’t you have rather this been a rom-com where two faceless persons bump into each other? Sounds good, right? Well, listen to this episode to hear more about Face/Off 2 which is being written and directed by Zachulia and produced by UpDownLeftDie!

Next week’s episode on 8/29 will be Avalanche Sharks

Recordings take place Saturdays at 9 PM PT in our Discord: https://discord.me/udld
Vote for movies on our reddit: r/UpDownLeftDie/

Produced and hosted by UpDownLeftDie: https://www.updownleftdie.com
Twitter: @UpDownLeftDie and use #BufferBuddides and #BBEP17 to rate this movie Instagram: @UpDownLeftDie
Twitch streams every Monday & Thursday at 7:30 PM PT: https://www.twitch.tv/updownleftdie