10/10 Desert Ghosts in the Oasis -Tiffany
10/10 Arm Wrestling Matches -Chrisalberti123
3/10 Overly Sweaty Men -Restinpeace120
4/10 Jail Fences -Jared

Next episode will be Die Hard 2

If you want to join the cast or just listen to the recording of Buffer Buddies live go to BufferBuddies.com

Vote for movies on our reddit/r/UpDownLeftDie

Special thanks to Monk Turner for letting us use his song, Evaporated Eric, for our into.

Produced and hosted by UpDownLeftDie: https://www.updownleftdie.com
Twitter: #BufferBuddides #BBEP69 to tweet your favorite quotes or rate this movie
Instagram: @UpDownLeftDie
Twitch streams every Monday & Thursday at 8:00 PM PT: https://www.twitch.tv/updownleftdie