This week we watch a B-Horror film called Mom and Dad (2018) staring Nic Cage…well don’t all films with Nic Cage in it become B-Horrors anyway? Oh well, in this episode we talk about the usual nonsense like ordering 100 chicken nuggets, Nic Cage’s full name, and sometimes we talk about the movie. Also some unexpected technical issues occur…will the Buffer Buddies gang be able to watch the whole movie? Tune in and find out!
Next episode on 2/20/18 will be Step Brothers
Suggested by MarkovChains
Recordings take place Saturdays at 9 PM PT in our Discord:
Vote for movies on our reddit: /r/UpDownLeftDie
Special thanks to Monk Turner for letting us use his song, Evaporated Eric, for our into.
Instagram: @UpDownLeftDie