This has been on the list for a while and we finally got to Con Air! 
We never go wrong with Nick Cage movies on Buffer Buddies! He’s so much better than that Adam Sandler.

Enjoy this episode as about an airplane that believed it itself and followed its dreams of winning at a slot machine.
also something about julia.

Next episode on 1/23/18 will be The Emoji Movie

Recordings take place Saturdays at 9 PM PT in our Discord:

Vote for movies on our reddit: /r/UpDownLeftDie

Special thanks to Monk Turner for letting us use his song, Evaporated Eric, for our into.

Produced and hosted by UpDownLeftDie:
Twitter: @UpDownLeftDie and use #BufferBuddides and #BBEP36 to rate this movie Instagram: @UpDownLeftDie
Twitch streams every Monday & Thursday at 7:30 PM PT: